1000 Non-Pictured Program

We created www.flashcardsreading.com ...a non-pictured reading program with 1000 flashcards (5.5 inches x 3.5 inches) to be used as a way to test a person’s knowledge of phonetic sounds. The program is primarily used by teachers, anyone teaching the ABC READ’s reading program, or for you to teach your own reading program. The program is not self-taught, and the purchaser has to have knowledge of all the phonetic sounds. This is a completely different website, but we do sponsor this website. We approved of all of its contents. If you would like to know more about this program, please click on: www.flashcardsreading.com

I am very grateful for my job as a model. There is a lot of competition in this line of work, and I have always been fearful of someone finding out that I was a poor reader. At parties that I have attended, they have played games that required reading board cards. While playing the game, I was always worried about having to read out loud a card with a word on it that I would not know. After embarrassing myself a few times, I knew that I had to find a way to become a better reader.

While on the internet, I noticed your program, and I thought I would give it a try. After finishing your program, I have since found out that I was not the only one who needed help with reading. I now find myself helping others read words they do not know!!

I am so glad I improved my reading skills. I have more confidence in myself.
